Liz was just finishing the final details for the surprise party she was planning for her husband. She had been thoroughly preparing for this event, designing every aspect of the party from the invitations to the food, and she was very excited about it. Family members whom Andrew hadn't seen in years were flying in from Poland in a few days. Liz had tracked down several college friends, and they were coming from various places across the country. A band and dancers were invited.

The best part for Liz was that she knew Andrew did not have any idea about the party. She could not wait to see the look on his face when he walked into a big "Surprise!" in his own home.

The party was supposed to be on Saturday. As Liz was daydreaming about picking relatives up at the airport the next day and taking them to their hotel, Andrew walked into the kitchen and said, quite certainly, "Sweetheart, I don't want anything special done for my birthday."

"What do you mean?" Liz responded calmly, though her heart began to beat. "I mean that I don't want a surprise party." "Okay," Liz said. "Not a problem." Liz's mind raced. There was nothing she could do about Andrew's request now. And, frankly, she didn't want to. Liz had been planning this for more than a year. The party would go off as she intended. She did not want all of her effort to fail. When Andrew came home Saturday evening from playing soccer with friends, he was shocked. Tears filled his eyes. This response was something Liz had not predicted. Among the crowd he saw friends whom he had not seen in nearly 20 years and family members who had come from Poland just for this evening. But along with being deeply moved, he was also angry with his wife. He knew he could be emotional, and he did not like people to see him that way. That was why he did not like being surprised.

Salsa music filled the home of Liz and Andrew. Liz whispered "I love you" in Andrew's ear, they shared a kiss, and the two danced the whole night.
Категория: Сочинения по Английскому | Добавил: Roman (09.02.2013)
Просмотров: 1499 | Теги: ВЕЧЕРИНКА-СЮРПРИЗ | Рейтинг: 1.0/1
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