Сочинение на англиском на тему Польза и Вред телевидения

Television one of the most considerable inventions of mankind. The television changed the world. About television it is told much both good, and bad. The modern television is the main source of information. Having information today means being successful. Educational television makes life both easier and more interesting. But the television as is harmful. Watching TV isn't always good. And not only because of action film, TV commercial and aggression-promoting TV programmes. It is more because of loss of time which could be spent for reading books or sports. Watching the TV without stops really badly.

на русском

Телевидение одно из самых значительных изобретений человечества. Телевидение изменило мир. Про телевидение сказано много как хорошего, так и плохого. Современное телевидение это главный источник информации. Having information today means being successful. Educational television makes life both easier and more interesting. Но телевидение так же вредно. Watching TV is not always good. И не только из-за action film, телерекламы и aggression-promoting TV programmes. Больше из-за потери времени, которое можно было бы потратить на чтение книг или занятие спортом. Смотрение телевизор без остановок действительно плохо.

Категория: Сочинения по Английскому | Добавил: Roman (24.04.2013)
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